The two larger chambers run along the top of the penis and are called the Corpora Cavernosa. A third and smaller chamber called the Corpus Spongiosum, runs directly below the Corpora Cavernosa.
Your erections size is limited by the amount of blood these chambers can hold. This is because your penis uses blood pressure to become hard through basic hydraulics, and this is why your penis size is directly limited by the size of these three chambers.
The secret to enlarging your penis, is to use exercises that naturally encourage more blood flow and increase the size of these 3 chambers allowing it to hold more blood. As your penis can hold more blood it will give your a bigger and bigger erection!
Mr. P Professor time secret approach to penis enlargement will greatly improve the size and strength of your erection, and your sexual performance in the bedroom… Not only are the gains you achieve with ThePenisProfessor permanent, but most grow twice as fast with our program over other methods!
In fact, to our knowledge Mr. P Professor is the only site on the web that only uses safe, penis enlargement exercises, with easy to understand video lessons, to Increase our Clients Penis Size Permanently.
PLUS – our Simple video instructions make learning easy, we will arm you with the Information and the know how to grow your penis quickly at home in privacy, and your personal trainer will always be polite and confidential. Best of all our approach Does Not Require Pills, Pumps or other expensive physical products!
Join the thousands of men before you who have used our Video Lessons to learn these 32 magic stretches and exercises, that will naturally increase your erection size in a safe and easy way millions of men have already used for centuries!
in fact our approach is so effective we have added foreskin restoration exercises to help our clients deal with stretch marks on their penis caused by rapid length gains! Please remember to try and keep growth to less then an inch and a half a month to save your self the extra work.
If for some reason this doesn’t happen tell us what your doing and we will gladly try to help you out. Remember, you have 8 weeks to use our product and still get a full refund with no questioned asked, we are that sure it will work for you!
Sadly it is a proven fact that humans of all the mammals have the largest penis for their size. This is becasue historically women who had options, chose their mates by the size of their erection! It is a direct display of your virility and worthiness to most women, and increasing your size will also naturally increase your confidence and social standing.
Today you can start to leaning how you can naturally strengthen your erection, regain your ability to grow hard and cure erectile dysfunction! Learn how to have multiple male orgasms in one sexual meeting, how to cum and stay hard so you can have sex till she can’t take it any more!
Save time with targeted gains, be it length, girth, head size, curvature or twist. We can even help you make the base, middle or tip of your shaft thicker!
Our research team and personal trainers are constantly searching out new and safe natural techniques, which will help to make your penis grow longer and thicker permanently! Only after we perfect a technique will we release it to our clients!
With a 96.1% satisfaction rate* we find most of our clients enjoy increased Sexual ability in the bed room, and their sexual partners lusting after them more. All seem to agree that their Longer, Thicker, and Heavier Erection has improved their lives in ever way!
(*figure based on refund to sale ratios from 2021 to today.)
But why take our word for it?
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